Arts and Culture at the Heart of Climate Action – CCL Summit in Sigtuna
Creative Climate Leadership (CCL) is a growing network of climate justice leaders, artists, policy-makers, scientists and youth activists working in the arts and culture sector to strengthen creative climate mobilisation.
On the last day of the CCL summit in Sigtuna Sweden November 2, organisers Julie’s Bicycle, Lucsus at Lund University, Sigtunastiftelsen and Postkodstiftelsen invite media, members of the public and the arts and cultural community to an inspiring afternoon of talks and performance focussed on arts, creativity, and climate justice. The event features speakers from Julie’s Bicycle, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Moderna Museet, Live Green Festivals, Fridays For Future and the Arts of Councils of Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
Artists Kristin Amparo, Anders Paulsson and Marte Wulff (Norway) will perform at the event.
As the climate emergency unfolds, strengthening our support for communities has never been more urgent. Convened as the COP27 international climate negotiations approach, this event will explore how the arts and culture sector can be at the heart of the climate conversation and transformative action.
Program November 2
14.00 Welcome and introduction
Music: Kristin Amparo
14.10 Climate justice and the role of the arts
Speakers: Julie’s Bicycle, Lucsus Lund University, Sámi Council, Fridays for Future, Stockholm Resilience Centre.
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 The creative sector in flux
Speakers: Louise Lindén, Live Green Festivals; Jacob Teglgaard Baeredyktig Scenekunst NU, Denmark; Niklas Jonsson; Sustainable Punk, Sweden; Ylva Hellström Moderna Museet.
Music: Anders Paulsson
16.15 – 17.00 Policy dialogue and action agenda
Speakers: policy dialogue with policy actors from Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Music: Marte Wulff
The Creative Climate Leadership programme
Between 2021 and 2022 two leadership programmes took place with pioneering arts and cultural practitioners at the forefront of climate action. Centred around climate justice, 50 of Scandinavia´s creative change-makers came together to explore leadership, justice and sustainable practice in the context of a rapidly diminishing opportunity to keep temperatures below 1.5 degrees of warming. At the event in Sigtuna, Creative Climate Leadership will further explore what needs to change so culture can help meet Scandinavian regions commitment to a safe, just world as set out in the IPCC 6th assessment report. The event is hosted with support from Svenska Postkodstiftelsen, Julie’s Bicycle, Lucsus at Lunds University, Nordisk Kulturfond and Sigtunastiftelsen.
Creative Climate Leadership
Julie’s Bicycle
Julie’s Bicycle is a pioneering not-for-profit organisation mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis. Founded by the music industry in 2007 and now working across the arts and culture JB has partnered with over 2000 organisations in the UK and internationally. Combining cultural and environmental expertise, Julie’s Bicycle focuses on high-impact programmes and policy change to meet the climate crisis head-on. We exist at the heart of a thriving informal network of people who share our vision, supporting others on their journey, and helping to catalyse new projects at the intersection of culture and climate. www.juliesbicycle.com
The Sigtuna Foundation
The Sigtuna Foundation is a private cultural foundation with a principle aim is to inspire human thought and reflection. Today the Sigtuna Foundation operate as a center for education and research, and also for various kinds of cultural programs and retreats. The Sigtuna Foundation is also a reputable hotel and conference center open to anyone who wish to combine modern and atmospheric facilities in peaceful and scenic surroundings. www.sigtunastiftelsen.se
Press Contact
Sofia af Geijerstam, The Sigtuna Foundation
sofia.af.geijerstam@sigtunastiftelsen.se 073 593 55 68