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Arts and culture at the heart of climate action
Sigtunastiftelsen 2 November

Julie’s Bicycle, Lund University, Sigtunastiftelsen and Postkodstiftelsen invite you for an afternoon of talks on art, creativity, climate justice and why culture can transform the climate conversation.
As the climate emergency unfolds, strengthening our support for communities has never been more urgent. Convened as the COP27 international climate negotioations approach, this event will explore how the arts and culture sector can be at the heart of the climate conversation and transformative action.
Join an exciting roster of climate justice leaders, artists, policy-makers, scientists and youth activists, including speakers from Julies Bicycle, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Moderna Museet, Live Green Festivals, Fridays for Future, Arts Council of Sweden, Denmark and Norway for an afternoon of conversations around the types of leadership, practices and policies that are vital to realising the true potential of arts in times of climate breakdown.
Where: Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna, Sweden
When: 2 November 2022, 14.00 – 17.00
Partners: Julie’s Bicycle, Sigtunastiftelsen, Lund University, Postkodstiftelsen
Registration to event in Sigtuna
14.00 – 14.10 Introduction and welcome
Julie’s Bicycle, Postkodstiftelsen, Sigtunastiftelsen
14.10 – 15.00 Climate justice and the role of the arts
Creative Climate Justice is Julie’s Bicycle’s invitation for in-depth and inclusive conversations about justice and fairness, why marginalised groups around the world are disproportionately impacted by the climate and environmental crisis and our creative responses to this.
Speakers from Julie’s Bicycle, Lucsus, Lund University, Sámi Council, Fridays For Future, Stockholm Resilience Centre. Music: Kristin Amparo
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee Break
15.30 – 16.10 The creative sector in flux
The creative sector is changing. Representatives of music, performing arts, galleries, film, independent organizations reflect on some key climate focused trends that are driving change.
Speakers: Louise Lindén (Live Green Festivals & Academy), Jacob Teglgaard (Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU, Denmark), Niklas Jonsson (Sustainable Punk, Sweden), Ylva Hillstrom (Moderna Museet). Music: Marte Wulff
16.15 – 17.00 Policy dialogue and action agenda
Panel and audience participation in developing an action agenda to align with COP27, MONDIACULT and World Summit on Arts and Culture.
Speakers: Swedish Arts Council, Danish Arts Council, Kulturtanken/ Norwegian Ministry of Culture, ASSITEJ Sverige, Svenska Postkodstiftelsen
Music: Anders Paulsson
17.00 – 17.15 Wrap-Up
About the Creative Climate Leadership Program
Between 2021 and 2022 two leadership programmes took place with pioneering arts and cultural practitioners at the forefront of climate action. Centred around climate justice, 50 of Scandinavia’s creative change-makers came together to explore leadership, justice and sustainable practice in the context of a rapidly diminishing opportunity to keep temperatures below 1.5 degrees of warming. Culture – the arts, heritage and creative industries – has been missing from climate and justice solutions at all levels. This in spite of a growing global mobilisation of culture on climate. Julie’s Bicycle, Diego Galafassi and funded by Svenska Postkodstiftelsen hosted two Creative Climate leadership programmes. This event will celebrate the CCL alumni through showcase, performance and conversations at Sigtuna Stiftelsen. With speakers from art, science and policy we will explore what needs to change so culture can help meet the Scandinavian regions’ commitment to a safe, just world as set out in the IPCC 6th assessment report.