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Receptive Ecumenism – postponed

Cancellation of Receptive Ecumenism in Sigtuna, Sweden, June 22 – 25

Due to the present situation with the corona virus spreading all over the world we have taken the hard but inevitable decision to postpone the conference Receptive Ecumenism in Sigtuna, Sweden June 22 – 25 this year. In times like this, learning and listening to one another is more important than ever. To make sure that the important Receptive Ecumenism dialogue continues, we have already set new dates for the conference in 2021. Please save the date, June 30 – 3 July, in your calendar.

We sincerely hope to see you in Sigtuna, Sweden, in 2021!

The Organizing Committee of Receptive Ecumenism


The fifth international conference on Receptive Ecumenism will continue exploring the ecclesiological reparative, critical constructive task of ecumenical ecclesiology that was introduced in the previous conferences. Receptive Ecumenism is a fresh ecumenical methodology emphasizing receptivity, learning, and listening. Since its inception, the concept has taken root in many diverse contexts around the globe.
At this conference, we hope to take this process a step further as we will reflect on the transformative impact of Receptive Ecumenism as an instrument for ecclesial transformation. To which extend are the churches willing to “listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches” (Rev 2:7)?
As in the previous conferences, we will have the opportunity to listen to our keynote speakers in plenaries as well as to paper presentations in a number of parallel sessions.

Conference fee ( Full board): 8000 SEK
Early bird until March 31: 7 500 SEK

Conferencce fee ( No accomodation)
Early bird until March 31: 4 500 SEK


22 juni, 2020 10:00
25 juni, 2020 16:00
Manfred Björkquists allé 4
Sigtuna, Sigtuna 193 31 Sverige
08 592 589 80 /


08 592 589 00

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